Saturday, July 20, 2013

Paint Drip Nails

So a few weeks ago I did my mothers nails. (She is the only one with long nails) I got this idea from CutePolish. (I will put a link for their videos down below) So the point of this for your nails to look like it's dripping, the paint that is. I didn't do pictures for each step, but the end result. First thing you should do is put base coat on your nails. After they dried I put on a matte nail poish. It's a clear polish that goes on shiny, but dries with no shine. Pretty cool, right? Next I used nail art tools, but you can make your own tools with everyday items. (I will also put a link down below) I used a big dotting tool to make 3 long drips of paint on her nails, then a smaller one to connect them all with curved lines. Then just fill in the empty spots then lastly put a top coat only on the paint. So when it all dries the paint is shiny like wet paint.

Sadly I didn't think to take the pictures upside down - but upright they looks like guitars.

I tried it on my daughter, she did okay as I did them...sadly had to take them off.

Here are the dotting tools, they are worth if you can find it at a good price. Luckily, I purchased mine at 2.00. $.99 for the tools, $.99 for shipping @ Amazon.

Here is CutePolish YouTube links:
You can search for the paint dripping and you can also search for the tools 
Good luck and most importantly have fun!!!

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