Sunday, August 18, 2013

Saturday Farmer's Market

  Hey everyone! I can not believe it's been like 10 days since I last posted. I'm so sorry. Things been pretty hectic around here that time just flew by without me realizing it. So yesterday my family and I went to another farmers market. This time it was about 45 minutes away...but it's well worth it. It's the Urbana Farmer's Market here in Illinois :) We picked up a few things...example...A HUGE Zucchini. You'll see the picture..but wholly molly...and to top it off it only cost 2 dollars?! No way, right? Ha.
   This market is a lot different from the ones where we live. For one thing, it huge. I guess that is only thing different. Along with it being huge, it has different foods. You got your usual's like tomatoes right? Well they go farther with different kinds. Kinds I've never heard before, I tried taking pictures of some of the names but they were so busy. Some of the names were 'Aunt Ruby's German Green' and 'Japanese Black Trifele'. I don't think we grabbed any of the weird names. Should have right?
   Some other things they have my market doesn't is salad greens, kale, leeks, different potatoes, raspberries and some stone fruits. Now skip over to other products other then produce, they got cheeses, ice creams and meats. Oh my. This is my first time going this year and I miss it so much. Hope I can go back next weekend.

   The HUGE    Zucchini 

  We got the red tomatoes...the picture to the right. Very yummy. What will we do with them...*ponders*

 We got both of these, didn't know I got the Japanese one. Can't wait to make a sandwich out of these. Will be interesting. Same with the picture on the right. What are some idea's to make with some fresh tomatoes? Got any? Comment down below.

 Apples - can't go wrong with these. Plus they had tiny ones for my daughter. Then over to the right is honey sticks. Have any of you all had these? They are very good. I love the vanilla chai - but my daughter get's the fruity ones like grape. Only .25. Not bad for a little snack as you stroll the market.

Hope your weekend was pretty good, no bad weather I hope. Hope to post more soon!!

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