Saturday, February 7, 2015

Turmeric Chicken and Veggie Hand Pies

So the Super Bowl..who did you want to win? I wanted the Seahawks..hubby voted Patriots...we had a bet you see. The bet was if Seahawks or the Patriots won one of us would be giving the other spouse a massage...(which I won last year and still haven't gotten mine...) I know a lot of people were talking about different things that went on during the game...but me I don't really get into sorry...I'm learning though. Besides that what did you all have for snacks? On Facebook I saw lots of sweet treats...we had nachos with shredded bbq chicken and some yummy queso. 
Over the summer I bought a set of dough press set. What is that you ask? Three different size presses that cut approximately 4", 5", 6" circles. They ideal for hand pies, calzones, empanadas and ravioli. Roll out some dough, use one side to cut the circle, place circle inside the opposite side..fill then fold and press. Viola! Yummers. 
They have been sitting in my cabinet of goodies for some time. thing..I have a problem...a problem that consist of buying cookbooks, cooking magazines...and tools...okay I feel better, sort of. 
Again they were sitting there..I kept mentioning how I will make something out of them..never did. Then finally I take them out and wish I took them out sooner. LOVE. They are ny b(my 7 month old decided to put some input) 
Originally I wanted to make chicken pot pie and I was making apple hand pies...then as I was making the dough and rolling it out using the press I realized I want to make chicken pot pie in a hand pie. But I got thinking how do I do that? So I decided to wing it. Oh and I guess said in the title of this recipe Tumeric...I love this spice. I put it in everything and anything I can. I read online that there is this milk called golden milk. Weird title right? Well the reason why it's called golden milk is it has turmeric in it. You heat up some milk, turmeric, honey...let it cool. Can drink it to cure depression or even the cold or flu.

Turmeric Chicken Hand Pies

4 boneless skinless chicken breast, shredded or cubed.
3 carrots diced
3 celery stalks diced
1 small onion diced
1 small potato diced
1 tablespoon miso (optional - used for salt)
1 Cup Stock (any kind - i used Chicken)
1 Tblsp Butter
1-2 Tblsp Flour
1 Tblsp Turmeric (Optional - if you don't have you, don't have to use it)
2 Tsp Onion Powder
Pinch of Salt and Pepper to taste
Pie Dough (store or homemade)
Beaten Egg

First thing first, cook your chicken either in the oven or if you want to boil your chicken or even if you bought a rotisserie chicken from the store make sure it's cooked before you start everything. I made the mistake of not having a cook before so dinner didn't start for a very long time. Now onto the recipe.

In a large skillet, heat butter over medium high heat. Add onion diced up carrots, diced celery, and diced potatoes altogether. Since I chopped them up very small I was able to put them altogether and they all cooked fine. After about 5 to 7 minutes add in one cup of stock, it should come up to the mix not over. If it doesn't, add a little bit of water you don't want it so much that it covers the vegetables. When everything reaches a boil, test vegetables with a fork to check if they are done. Good. Add your flour. Mine only took 1 tablespoon to reach the thickness I wanted. Cook for a few minutes, stirring occasionally. 
After you have what is like a gravy, add in your seasoning. Don't add too much salt if you are using miso. Remember to taste as you go, don't want to add too much salt or pepper. After all the tastings, add in the chicken and stir again. This mixture should be thick, you are putting it into some dough and baking it...don't be afraid. 
After everything is mixed together, set it aside and allow to cool. Preheat oven to 375. Unroll the pie dough if it's store-bought or roll out the pie dough if it's homemade to a 1/4 inch thick. Now you can use whatever you want to make a 5 inch in diameter circle, but I used my medium-size dough press. Then I took the circle and set it inside my door press I filled the center with about a tablespoon of cooled chicken filling, you don't want it two full or it may explode. Close the press or close the dough together. So take A side to meet the B side. Have them kiss, hug, or handshake if you want to call it. (Hah) Make there is no air gaps, you don't want the filling to leak out. You don't want soggy pies. Set them on a tray line with aluminum foil or if you have a nonstick pan that would work as well. Continue with the rest, I made about 10 pies. When they are all lined up and looking pretty you want to poke three toothpick size holes across the top of the pies, so the steam can escape. Then take one egg and whisk it till it's blended then brush to paint those beauties. This way they get a nice golden crust (Tan). 
Put into the oven for 15 minutes or until golden brown. I allowed mine to cool for about 5 minutes..but that is all the time I could wait. See that nice golden tan..crust I mean? Wish I could just slip my hand into the screen and pull that one out...sigh...well let me know what variation you tried.

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