Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Taste Testing : Birds Nest

So this drink called Birds Nest...or White Fungus Bird’s Nest supposed to be healthy. I will put down those benefits soon. First let me just tell you about this drink. 

 Here it is..the can that is. 
You can get this at your local asian market for only like $1.00.

Now birds nest (not the drink) is pretty much spit from this bird called the South Asian Swiftlet. They weave their spit into nest. These nest are very expensive in asia..well probably all over the world. Yet this can of birds nest is only 1.00. When you look at the ingredients there is only a little big of this birds nest. (So blurry...)
 When you also take a look at the ingredients you see white fungus which I believe is used for thickening it and white fungus is the chunks in this drink. Alright, I know by now all you out there are asking..."now why the hell would I drink this are making it sounds soooo gross!" I saw so many videos on YouTube about this and they all hated it, but I still thought it was very interesting. It's for all those dare devils out there. When I first opens this can it smelled a lot like cream soda. You know that vanilla smell...when I first took a drink, again to me it tasted like cream soda. Not the light refreshing side I suppose. More of the taste and that's all. I drank maybe half, and my husband took two sips and was done. He hated it. Ha. It was okay for me, I wouldn't drink it on a daily basis nor would I buy it again.
Here is what it looks like, see the floaties? I believe that is the white fungus. When you pour it out, its very syrupy. Try it and let me know down below.

Here are what I read about it's health benefits:
So I hear usually and traditionally edible birds nest is in soups, but now it's almost in everything. From food to drinks to even cosmetics. For about 1.000 years, the Chinese have eaten birds nest in a soup. They have considered it to have high nutritional and medicinal value. From anti-aging to anti-cancer, also to raise libido? Hm? Interesting stuff right?

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