Saturday, February 14, 2015

All good things come to an end?

So I don't know if anyone has looked at my new website...but I have a new website. Since having a new website I won't be posting on this one anymore everything will be going towards my new one. I hope you all follow me here...from now on when want to lose any of my followers. You still will be able to check everything out on here so don't you worry. Through out time i will convert the recipes over this is good bye to this site but that is all

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Turmeric Chicken and Veggie Hand Pies

So the Super Bowl..who did you want to win? I wanted the Seahawks..hubby voted Patriots...we had a bet you see. The bet was if Seahawks or the Patriots won one of us would be giving the other spouse a massage...(which I won last year and still haven't gotten mine...) I know a lot of people were talking about different things that went on during the game...but me I don't really get into sorry...I'm learning though. Besides that what did you all have for snacks? On Facebook I saw lots of sweet treats...we had nachos with shredded bbq chicken and some yummy queso. 
Over the summer I bought a set of dough press set. What is that you ask? Three different size presses that cut approximately 4", 5", 6" circles. They ideal for hand pies, calzones, empanadas and ravioli. Roll out some dough, use one side to cut the circle, place circle inside the opposite side..fill then fold and press. Viola! Yummers. 
They have been sitting in my cabinet of goodies for some time. thing..I have a problem...a problem that consist of buying cookbooks, cooking magazines...and tools...okay I feel better, sort of. 
Again they were sitting there..I kept mentioning how I will make something out of them..never did. Then finally I take them out and wish I took them out sooner. LOVE. They are ny b(my 7 month old decided to put some input) 
Originally I wanted to make chicken pot pie and I was making apple hand pies...then as I was making the dough and rolling it out using the press I realized I want to make chicken pot pie in a hand pie. But I got thinking how do I do that? So I decided to wing it. Oh and I guess said in the title of this recipe Tumeric...I love this spice. I put it in everything and anything I can. I read online that there is this milk called golden milk. Weird title right? Well the reason why it's called golden milk is it has turmeric in it. You heat up some milk, turmeric, honey...let it cool. Can drink it to cure depression or even the cold or flu.

Turmeric Chicken Hand Pies

4 boneless skinless chicken breast, shredded or cubed.
3 carrots diced
3 celery stalks diced
1 small onion diced
1 small potato diced
1 tablespoon miso (optional - used for salt)
1 Cup Stock (any kind - i used Chicken)
1 Tblsp Butter
1-2 Tblsp Flour
1 Tblsp Turmeric (Optional - if you don't have you, don't have to use it)
2 Tsp Onion Powder
Pinch of Salt and Pepper to taste
Pie Dough (store or homemade)
Beaten Egg

First thing first, cook your chicken either in the oven or if you want to boil your chicken or even if you bought a rotisserie chicken from the store make sure it's cooked before you start everything. I made the mistake of not having a cook before so dinner didn't start for a very long time. Now onto the recipe.

In a large skillet, heat butter over medium high heat. Add onion diced up carrots, diced celery, and diced potatoes altogether. Since I chopped them up very small I was able to put them altogether and they all cooked fine. After about 5 to 7 minutes add in one cup of stock, it should come up to the mix not over. If it doesn't, add a little bit of water you don't want it so much that it covers the vegetables. When everything reaches a boil, test vegetables with a fork to check if they are done. Good. Add your flour. Mine only took 1 tablespoon to reach the thickness I wanted. Cook for a few minutes, stirring occasionally. 
After you have what is like a gravy, add in your seasoning. Don't add too much salt if you are using miso. Remember to taste as you go, don't want to add too much salt or pepper. After all the tastings, add in the chicken and stir again. This mixture should be thick, you are putting it into some dough and baking it...don't be afraid. 
After everything is mixed together, set it aside and allow to cool. Preheat oven to 375. Unroll the pie dough if it's store-bought or roll out the pie dough if it's homemade to a 1/4 inch thick. Now you can use whatever you want to make a 5 inch in diameter circle, but I used my medium-size dough press. Then I took the circle and set it inside my door press I filled the center with about a tablespoon of cooled chicken filling, you don't want it two full or it may explode. Close the press or close the dough together. So take A side to meet the B side. Have them kiss, hug, or handshake if you want to call it. (Hah) Make there is no air gaps, you don't want the filling to leak out. You don't want soggy pies. Set them on a tray line with aluminum foil or if you have a nonstick pan that would work as well. Continue with the rest, I made about 10 pies. When they are all lined up and looking pretty you want to poke three toothpick size holes across the top of the pies, so the steam can escape. Then take one egg and whisk it till it's blended then brush to paint those beauties. This way they get a nice golden crust (Tan). 
Put into the oven for 15 minutes or until golden brown. I allowed mine to cool for about 5 minutes..but that is all the time I could wait. See that nice golden tan..crust I mean? Wish I could just slip my hand into the screen and pull that one out...sigh...well let me know what variation you tried.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Lemon Poppy Seed Pancakes

I'm  I'm really hoping making these will make the warm weather come back...these are for calling out spring. Lemon is surely a warm/ spring like fruit right?
I really enjoy lemon anything. My mother sucked on lemon with salt..not sugar, but salt when she was pregnant with me and my 4 year old daughter likes lemons. Lemon is in my blood. Lemon poppy seed just takes it farther...remember those lemon poppy seed muffins. Whether it's with a glaze or not it was biting into spring. That's where I kinda wanted to go with this one. 
I didn't fully create this one either..I'll get there but I did take it from another site. This lady was a genius with Strawberry Lemon Poppy Seed. I didn't have any strawberries on hand so I opted out for it, but the syrup she made I wish I made it. 
So I'm not sure if this is another desserts for breakfast...but I decided to do a lemon poppy seed pancake. Maybe if lemon curd was with it...oh yea that would put it over the top. 

Lemon Poppy Seed Pancakes

1 1/4 Cup Flour
1 1/2 Tbl Poppy Seeds
1 Tsp Baking Powder
1/4 Tsp Baking Soda
1/4 Tsp Salt
Zest of 1 Lemon
1/4 Cup Sugar
1 Egg
2 Tbl Lemon Juice 
1 Cup Buttermilk (see note)
1/2 Tsp Vanilla Extract

Preheat large skillet over medium high heat and spray with cooking spray. Prepare the pancakes. In a large bowl combine flour, poppyseeds, baking powder, baking soda, salt and zest. Then whisk ingredients until well mixed. In a separate bowl whisk together lemon juice and sugar add buttermilk vanilla and egg then whisk until smooth. If you don't have buttermilk see note below. Make a well in the middle of the dry ingredients  and pour wet ingredients into the well. Mix the ingredients until just incorporated. Pour about 1/4 cup of batter onto preheated skillet. When edges look dry and bubbly use a spatula to flip the pancake. Cook about a minute and a half on the other side. Repeat with remaining batter. Serve with some type of topping. I would recommend doing a strawberry syrup from the original recipe. I did it with regular pancake syrup and it did not do justice I'm sad to say. Maybe I will work on a lemon curd syrup we will see. Let me know how you enjoyed this recipe. 

If you do not have buttermilk this is what you can do. Take one cup of milk and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. Easy right? Who wants to buy a big old thing of buttermilk when you can just make it with your own milk you have at home

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Tiramisu Stuffed French Toast

So the other night I was thinking, "I have to use this loaf of's pretty stale...french toast would be perfect..." Google...viola! Found a cream cheese stuffed french toast. I really wanted to do a berry one until I started this recipe.
I have this bag of cappuccino mix on my counter and ended up adding it to my cream cheese mixture. That's pretty much how it the end it remind me of a tiramisu...

Tiramisu Stuffed French Toast
(Adapted from Baking Bites)

6 1 inch slice of some sort of bread (I used French bread, you can use Challah or even sourdough..just not sandwich bread)
4-oz cream cheese, softened
3 tbsp confectioners’ sugar
3-4 tbsp cappuccino powder or Instant Coffee (Optional)
1/2 cup chocolate milk
1/2 cup left over coffee plus 1 tsp
 2 large eggs
1/2 tsp vanilla extract

Cut one pocket about one inch, in one end of each slice of bread using a sharp knife. 
In a small bowl mix together cream cheese, confectioners sugar, cappuccino powder and some coffee until smooth. Spread about 1.5 oz of filling into each pocket using a small knife. Filling must be inside the pocket not near the edge.
In medium bowl mix together 1/2 cup chocolate milk, 1/2 cup coffee, 2 eggs, and some vanilla extract. Transfer to pie plate. 
Preheat your skillet over medium high heat.
Dip bread, two pieces at a time, into the milk and egg mixture. Let it soak both sides pretty well. Transfer to hot pan using a spatula (don't want a mess...) Cook until golden on both sides, 3-4 minutes on one side...1-2 on the other. Serve immediately and repeat. 
I didn't serve this with would enhance the sweetness...I did top it with some leftover filling. Almost like a butter in a way.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Salted caramel sauce

So have you ever made salted caramel or any caramel sauce with Cool Whip? Bet you haven't. So I wanted to make my hubby a salted caramel frappé. You know the ones from Starbucks. We were going there like twice a day it's ridiculous really, spending $15 a day maybe even $30. So I went to Pinterest and type in salted caramel sauce easy. I came across a recipe that called for Cool Whip or heavy cream. I made a list and went to the grocery store picked up that expensive carton of heavy cream and a few weeks maybe a week down the road my refrigerator started acting up. Pretty much it died sort of but that's not part of the story I opened up the heavy cream and it curdled. Yuck! I started freaking out because I already started the recipe I had everything in the sauce pan all I needed was that cream and now it's gone what do I do? I kept asking myself and then I remembered, I remembered that the recipe also said you may use Cool Whip instead of the cream. Oh my that save the day luckily I had some Cool Whip in the freezer and just enough. After that happily ever after awesome easy caramel sauce salted to be exact. 

Salted Caramel Recipe:
(Something Swanky)
  • 1 Cup Brown Sugar
  • 1/2 Cup Salted Butter (1 stick)
  • 1 Cup Cool Whip / 1/2 Cup Heavy Cream
  • 1 Tsp Vanilla
  • Heavy pinch of coarse sea salt
Mix everything together in the sauce pan over medium heat until the butter melts and the brown sugar has dissolved completely. Continue to store until mixture reaches a rolling boil, continually stirring. Allow to bowl for 1 minute without stirring, then remove from heat immediately. Allow to cool - just enough that it doesn't burn you when you lick the spoon...Store in the refrigerator. Reheat before serving in microwave for about 60 seconds. Check on it though. 

Picture below is my salted caramel frappe with my son's toy playing peek a boo...psst...does anyone see the face in the coffee??

Sunday, January 18, 2015

First Taste : Suja Essentials Part 1

So like stated in the lovely title, this is part 1...part 2 will be on Wednesday with the other drink we tried. The "we" I mentioned is the fact my husband tried one, where I tried the other.
The other day we went to a local target...(local would not be the correct word, we did drive about 45 minutes to get to it. Though I have to say it was worth it, the one we went to is so much nicer) This Target had some interesting drinks and I wanted to try them. I love green juices...that said I don't like the bitter tart ones, sweeter ones is what I like. I'm sure down the line I will enjoy the bitter ones. Looking in the refrigerated drink section they have a few new drinks. We looked at some kombucha tea, kombucha soda, chia drinks and some different juices. Those drinks are pretty pricey so we just grabbed two, but we will definitely getting more sometime.
 So too much rambling...Suja Essentials. Upon reading up on this brand I see that you can do a 3 day cleanse. The term "cleanse" really scares me. I just think you'll be sitting on a potty for pretty much the next few days. I sure didn't do the cleanse for a number of reasons. I chose Green Delight. It was a "delight", it's my favorite green juice in the bottle flavor. It's made up of apple, banana, mango, spinach, lemon, kale, spirulina, chlorella, barely grass and last but certainly not least alfalfa grass. Even though some of those ingredients makes you take a step back and's really refreshing. Green delight had a good balance of fruit and veggies. Sounds pretty generic right? For all you organic lovers - it's organic and 100% Juice to boot. I looked up what some of these ingredients are for. Spirulina is a natural algae and high in protein. Also spirulina reduces inflammation and eases PMS? Women get them now. Or should I say, men get them for your honeys? Chlorella - make sure you spell that right but this is another natural algae that is a great detoxification of toxins in you body.  Since both are algae...spirulina is a blue-green form and chlorella is a solid green colored form of algae. Does that help? Didn't think so...spirulina is easier to digest and so much more "superior" than chlorella.
So over all this one is very good. If you are worried it won't taste good it does. Though if you don't want to take my word for it my mother loves it. She's not a fan of the green juice thing but she enjoyed the taste and drank half of mine.

Hope you enjoyed this first taste - comment below if you have any questions

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Crepes anyone?

So in my new kitchen I've been wanting to make anything and this time I chose crepes. I made these back in Culinary Arts (high school) and it as so complicated I gave up. So I have been searching for a quick and easy recipe, gotta love that Internet.
There are many ways you can eat crepes. There is sweet and then there are savory. So for this recipe I went the sweet route. We recently bought some strawberries for my daughter who by the way loves them, so glad they were on sale. So I slice them up late I'm in the crêpe then put a scoop of Cool Whip drizzled it with a little bit homemade salted caramel (I will post recipe later) Close them up then voila, sweet strawberry crepes.
(Adapted from The Baker Upstairs)

  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tablespoons Veggie Oil
  • 3.5 tablespoons Sugar
  • 1 cup flour
  • 1 cup and 1 Tablespoon of milk
  • 1/3 cup orange juice
  • 1/4 teaspoon any extract (my case maple/orange)
First combine all ingredients in a blender. I put everything in my nutribullet so anything works. Blend until everything is well combined, make sure there are no lumps. Create better should be thin so you can easily pour it into your pan. 

Next you want to heat your skillet to medium high heat. (I have and electric stove so I have numbers on the dials, the number were 3 to 4)are used a small omelette pan but you can also use the medium or the large. Grease the pan lightly with butter for cooking spray. Pour a small amount of batter into your pan then move in a circular motion (the pan - not yourself). Let the crepe cook for about sixty seconds...the edges of the crepe should be pretty dry and bubbly too. If you are too afraid to touch the pan use a spatula, I used some wood chopsticks unbroken. Scraped the edges some, peeling them off the pan with easy not force and picked the edges with my fingers then flipped. The other side should have some brown spots but a lot. If you have the whole crepe brown you may have the heat on too high. I usually pull it off the heat for a bit then set it back on. Cook the other side for fifteen seconds or so and slide it on a plate, repeat.