Sunday, January 18, 2015

First Taste : Suja Essentials Part 1

So like stated in the lovely title, this is part 1...part 2 will be on Wednesday with the other drink we tried. The "we" I mentioned is the fact my husband tried one, where I tried the other.
The other day we went to a local target...(local would not be the correct word, we did drive about 45 minutes to get to it. Though I have to say it was worth it, the one we went to is so much nicer) This Target had some interesting drinks and I wanted to try them. I love green juices...that said I don't like the bitter tart ones, sweeter ones is what I like. I'm sure down the line I will enjoy the bitter ones. Looking in the refrigerated drink section they have a few new drinks. We looked at some kombucha tea, kombucha soda, chia drinks and some different juices. Those drinks are pretty pricey so we just grabbed two, but we will definitely getting more sometime.
 So too much rambling...Suja Essentials. Upon reading up on this brand I see that you can do a 3 day cleanse. The term "cleanse" really scares me. I just think you'll be sitting on a potty for pretty much the next few days. I sure didn't do the cleanse for a number of reasons. I chose Green Delight. It was a "delight", it's my favorite green juice in the bottle flavor. It's made up of apple, banana, mango, spinach, lemon, kale, spirulina, chlorella, barely grass and last but certainly not least alfalfa grass. Even though some of those ingredients makes you take a step back and's really refreshing. Green delight had a good balance of fruit and veggies. Sounds pretty generic right? For all you organic lovers - it's organic and 100% Juice to boot. I looked up what some of these ingredients are for. Spirulina is a natural algae and high in protein. Also spirulina reduces inflammation and eases PMS? Women get them now. Or should I say, men get them for your honeys? Chlorella - make sure you spell that right but this is another natural algae that is a great detoxification of toxins in you body.  Since both are algae...spirulina is a blue-green form and chlorella is a solid green colored form of algae. Does that help? Didn't think so...spirulina is easier to digest and so much more "superior" than chlorella.
So over all this one is very good. If you are worried it won't taste good it does. Though if you don't want to take my word for it my mother loves it. She's not a fan of the green juice thing but she enjoyed the taste and drank half of mine.

Hope you enjoyed this first taste - comment below if you have any questions

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