Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Salted caramel sauce

So have you ever made salted caramel or any caramel sauce with Cool Whip? Bet you haven't. So I wanted to make my hubby a salted caramel frappĂ©. You know the ones from Starbucks. We were going there like twice a day it's ridiculous really, spending $15 a day maybe even $30. So I went to Pinterest and type in salted caramel sauce easy. I came across a recipe that called for Cool Whip or heavy cream. I made a list and went to the grocery store picked up that expensive carton of heavy cream and a few weeks maybe a week down the road my refrigerator started acting up. Pretty much it died sort of but that's not part of the story I opened up the heavy cream and it curdled. Yuck! I started freaking out because I already started the recipe I had everything in the sauce pan all I needed was that cream and now it's gone what do I do? I kept asking myself and then I remembered, I remembered that the recipe also said you may use Cool Whip instead of the cream. Oh my that save the day luckily I had some Cool Whip in the freezer and just enough. After that happily ever after awesome easy caramel sauce salted to be exact. 

Salted Caramel Recipe:
(Something Swanky)
  • 1 Cup Brown Sugar
  • 1/2 Cup Salted Butter (1 stick)
  • 1 Cup Cool Whip / 1/2 Cup Heavy Cream
  • 1 Tsp Vanilla
  • Heavy pinch of coarse sea salt
Mix everything together in the sauce pan over medium heat until the butter melts and the brown sugar has dissolved completely. Continue to store until mixture reaches a rolling boil, continually stirring. Allow to bowl for 1 minute without stirring, then remove from heat immediately. Allow to cool - just enough that it doesn't burn you when you lick the spoon...Store in the refrigerator. Reheat before serving in microwave for about 60 seconds. Check on it though. 

Picture below is my salted caramel frappe with my son's toy playing peek a boo...psst...does anyone see the face in the coffee??

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