Friday, January 2, 2015

Butternut Squash Baby Food

So I bought this beautiful squash at one of the last farmers market of the holiday market...that was back in the beginning of December, just recently used it. It kept pretty well in the fridge, but you could tell it was getting old...
I read a few different sites about making your own baby food...with butternut squash. Some mention roasting it, while the other mentions boiling/steaming it. I chose the route of boiling/steaming. I usually go for the roasting because if you don't know it does give off a better flavor usually.
My squash wasn't huge but I still had to slice it three times, four if you count the top. So I took the first bigger chunk off and peeled it. Then I sliced that sucker into 3 medallions, sliced each medallion into "fingers", finally cubing them. Whoo. So I continued with the second chunk and cubed that as well, only leaving the nub I had cut in half. Placed the cubed in a medium sauce pan then covered the cubes with water. Place it on medium heat and let them go...i really didn't time it, you want it pretty soft since it's for your baby and all. I tested them with a fork after it came to a boil. Finally they are done and finally it's time to blend them. I took out my trusty nutribullet and it's extractor blade and put all the cubes into the tallest cup with most of the water that was left behind. Whirl that sucker then stop. When you unscrew the lid, careful you did just whirl everything hot so it may hiss and steam a bit. Once it's open you have yourself some butternut squash baby food. Pretty simple right?
Let me know what you all tried for your babies...

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